What’s the difference between anti-wrinkle injections and dermal fillers?

Although anti-wrinkle injections and dermal fillers are complimentary, they are not the same thing, so let's try and settle the confusion.
As we move our faces (for example, with laughing, frowning or squinting) lines develop and deepen over time. Muscle-relaxing injections target the muscles causing these wrinkles by temporarily relaxing them. They are most commonly used to treat “active” wrinkles on the upper face such as frown lines, forehead lines and crows feet. Although they can also be used in small amounts to soften lines around the mouth, care must be taken so that they don’t interfere with our ability to smile, eat, talk and kiss! Muscle relaxing injections usually last for 3-6 months depending on the area being treated and the individual patient.
Dermal fillers on the other hand represent a wide variety of products that are used to literally “fill” wrinkles and folds, restore lost volume and lift depressed scars. Some wrinkles and skin creases are caused by loss of volume in the skin as we age or due to inflammatory processes such as acne. Fillers are injected below the skin surface to lift and smooth the creases or depressions present at rest. They are especially useful for softening smile lines, “smoker’s lines” around the mouth, Marionette lines (between the corners of the mouth and the jaw) as well as restoring lip definition. Fillers can also be injected into the skin to restore volume and shape in areas such as the cheeks, lips, mid and lower face. The duration of their effects vary according to the product used and the site of injection.
Your Dermatologist is the best person to help you decide which of these treatments is most appropriate for you. In some patients, however, a combination of the two will give the best results.