About Us
Inner Sydney Dermatology is a well-established and highly regarded practice providing facilities and support staff for highly qualified tenant Dermatologists, who have all completed extensive post-graduate training.
The Dermatologists who treat patients at Inner Sydney Dermatology are proud to be able to offer them the best advice regarding all aspects of medical, surgical and cosmetic dermatology, and provide a comprehensive service that encompasses all aspects of skin care. The practice consists of modern consulting, laser and surgical treatment rooms, and a dedicated central sterilising area which meets the highest Australian Health Standards. The Dermatologists at Inner Sydney Dermatology can also offer on site treatments for a diverse range of conditions using the latest technology, including the Vbeam® Perfecta laser and Medlite® Nd:Yag laser.Dermatologists
The experienced and well-regarded Dermatologists providing specialist services at Inner Sydney Dermatology are supported by a highly professional team of Nurses and Reception staff. They specialise in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of skin disease and skin cancers, and cosmetic Dermatology.
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